But there are some limitations I think.
About a month ago I put down a little training program in order to run from zero to 5k comfortably in one month. The screenshots below show my progress:

The following thoughts spring to mind:
- I am painfully rubbish. Although I am running quite regularly (green bars) I am behind on my program (blue bars). That's my problem I guess.
- But hey: I am actually doing quite a lot of cycling. Last week I rode 225k and didn't run. (yeah ... I am on a 4 months holiday)
- Hey. I am also swimming regularly. Yesterday 2k. Normally about 6-8k/week.
- I am sure there are a lot of people who run, cycle and swim. Not just triatletes, but also normal people who try to get/keep fit like me.
- Does exactly what Nike+ does for running
- Integrates with my bike computer, to let me plot my cycling workout and share it with others online
- Works for swimming, for example by helping me keep count of how many lanes I swim (I tend to forget), my speed, etc ... and lets me sink all the above online.