Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Nike+ better

Ok. I spent a lot of money on Nike kit recently. Partly for research, partly for brown-nosing, partly because I like it. The best piece of kit I find is the Nike+ sportsband. I love the way technology makes my running gear better. I love that it lets me plot my runs, map them, keep track of them, share them with my friends back in Milan and see who is fattest and slowest. So you thought there was no room to innovate in running shoes? wrong!

But there are some limitations I think.

About a month ago I put down a little training program in order to run from zero to 5k comfortably in one month. The screenshots below show my progress:

The following thoughts spring to mind:

  1. I am painfully rubbish. Although I am running quite regularly (green bars) I am behind on my program (blue bars). That's my problem I guess.
  2. But hey: I am actually doing quite a lot of cycling. Last week I rode 225k and didn't run. (yeah ... I am on a 4 months holiday)
  3. Hey. I am also swimming regularly. Yesterday 2k. Normally about 6-8k/week.
  4. I am sure there are a lot of people who run, cycle and swim. Not just triatletes, but also normal people who try to get/keep fit like me.
So I am thinking that it would be great to have a sort of Triathlon Nike+ that
  1. Does exactly what Nike+ does for running
  2. Integrates with my bike computer, to let me plot my cycling workout and share it with others online
  3. Works for swimming, for example by helping me keep count of how many lanes I swim (I tend to forget), my speed, etc ... and lets me sink all the above online.
... would be great

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