Friday 31 August 2007

nice conclusion (almost) to the summer internship

Big day yesterday: Final presentation for all the MBAs, followed positive feedback and pub lunch with the other MBAs. In the afternoon, back half-drunk into the office and received job offer. Sense of accomplishment.

The rest of the MBAs are leaving today but for some obscure and somehow depressing reason I am staying for one more week. I long for a holiday, and I am going to miss them in the office.

At least the agenda for next week is interesting: they want me to present the project to the company's board to ask for funding for my project. I have never presented to a board and never asked for money so high up, so it's yet another new experience for me. Highlight of the week however is the company day of sport and fun on Friday. I can not wait to compete in the "health and safety quiz" :)


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